Group Test Exhibition

 An exercise in curating an exhibition with peers. Sounds quite simple but it takes a lot of negotiating, meetings, discussions and the practical hanging and assessing. Overall a great experience for the future. The meetings went well, we put together a statement and a booklet. The exhibition was about disparate narratives. The only connection between our work was storytelling. We had a group crit which we felt at the time didn't go too well but in hindsight it was constructive.

The exercise was thought provoking especially over the few weeks of seeing other peoples exhibitions. I think we played it safe, ensuring everyone was equal and works was easy to see. It looked good but maybe too safe and tidy. One comment was 'it looks like Paperchase' which felt hurtful at first but I think we can take from that we don't need to be so easy on the eye. Break some rules, try something new, ruffle feathers and try new ideas. 

I also tested an audio feature on my Angel Meadow piece and I found it needs a lot of work/practice. I also realised I need to expand on its size and be bold on my pieces - to ensure the narrative is heard.

My necklace (title still undecided) was displayed on a mannequin on a domestic table. I found it was a little lost in this settings so I need to work on the display aspect.

Group setting up the show

Angel Meadow timeline presented in the hallway on a readymade shelf with audio.

Students and tutors looking around the exhibition.

New display of necklace on the mannequin, displayed on a domestic table.

Side view

Necklace sat alongside other artworks in the the show.


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