Angel Meadow - development continues

 An impromptu tutorial with David Price, my first year tutor gave me the insight I needed into my work. I feel concerned I didn't do this earlier but he made absolute sense and hopefully there is still time to develop my work to the next level.

We talked about what worked in my 'For the Mothers of Gorton' sculpture, what worked and what didn't work and how I can use what I learned for my Angel Meadow assemblage.

I was so keen to show my research the artwork has become factual and museum like. An artwork should not be telling you all the answers without any room for interpretation. The timeline concept is also too literal and fact based. Can I lose all this information without losing the narrative? 

We looked at American artists Edward Keinholz and talked about Louise Bourgeois' work at the Hayward. Both create installations from found pieces and leave it open to discussion and thoughts for the viewer. I have also been looking at American artist Rosemary Mayer's usage of fabric and her bold installations.

My plan is to create a work from the heart using my emotions about the 40,000 people who lost their lives to build Manchester. I will work with the elements I have to build and create a sculpture or installation which can do them justice. 

See below for working in progress. I have been stacking and building, moving and combining these items for days to find the right use of space and objects. Some parts are still in the university studios. I will take all items to uni and start layout them out in situ. This is assist in finding the final layout for the objects.

The next question is, does it need the audio? Watch this space.

Trying variations with my objects - some are in the uni studio

Starting to look more shrine like - maybe this is the route forward

Shelves turned on their side seems to work better

Mother and daughter wooden chairs tied together - not quite working yet.


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