Ceramics - development, the good, the bad and the ugly!

 In an effort to complete one of my many artworks I decided to concentrate on the Angel Meadow timeline. There are 4 or 5 elements which I still need to create or source. In my last post I documented the researched I did around the Lowry painting. I wanted to create a model of the man on the steps, the man in the painting I think is Lowry. I originally wanted a slender Giacometti character but the more I studied him I realised he was sturdier than Giacometti's men. Although Lowry is known for his matchstick men, they are not matchstick at all really.

I created a figure from the clay, the pea coat and hat seemed correct. The legs could be a little longer maybe. The details when you zoom into the image are almost skeletal in the facial features which I tried to create without it looking too macabre.

To fire the figure I needed to hollow out the centre of the clay. I did this by slicing him in half and using a tool to scoop out the centre of the clay. I also added pin pricks to stop the piece exploding in the firing process.

I am learning, via Harvey in ceramics, to create multiples. This gives the chance for new ideas and solutions to develop. It also allows for back up if there is a kiln disaster. With this in mind I tried to use an armature of wire to hold a standing figure. I covered the legs but I soon realised this was not the figure I needed to create. I have kept the wire and clay and I will return to the idea and see if I can push it as a possibility.

My final ceramic work of the week was trying to grow grass on the clay slab with the fingers. It's not working so far! I have been watering the clay but no shoots of green yet. In theory it could work, clay in found in the ground but I'm sure the university conditions are not ideal for growth of grass. I have a plan B or adding grass or most to the slap with a layer of spoil between the clay and the grass/moss. 

Clay figure to represent the man stood on the Lowry steps.

Adding details to the figure

               Wire armature legs to hold the weight of a tall figure

            Both legs covered in clay

                    Trying to grow grass on the clay slab with fingers. 
                       It's not working at the moment, may need to go for plan B.


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