Angel Meadow - ceramics hand and character

 A busy week in ceramics. I have tried to focus on finishing artworks rather than jumping from project to project. This has been a successful week with lots of trial and error. All needed to find the best objects to display on the shelf for the Angel Meadow artwork.

I had a tutorial with a new tutor (Frank). He saw my work from a different aspect which was interesting. It was all about the story telling element. The fact I can tell the story, either recorded or performed like a lecture could really add to this artwork. This would work better than the A4 written sheet and it would become more personable. I could talk about the story all day so I feel people would pick up on my passion for the subject. I could weave all elements of my work into the story, printing etc.

Discussing this while in the letterpress department with the technician Robert helped too. We talked about the printing process being part of the Manchester history, industrial revolution and the craft. He suggested finding a company who still create thread in Manchester and bringing this into my work rather than thread bought at Hobbycraft. This gives added authenticity and a narrative of its own.

I am feeling excited about creating the work and not too precious (as well as nervous and a fear I am running out of time!).

My work this week in ceramics has been about creating the made items I want to add to the shelf.

Real moss added to the unfired clay hand, the clay was 
absorbing the moisture from the moss - this was not working.

I tried adding reindeer moss to the homegrown moss. 
I liked the texture and depth it created.

To seal the clay and disguise the clay I painted it with 
acrylic paint and PVA glue mixed together.
I chose a dark colour to match the dark peat soil of the area.

The Lowry character has now been painted black to 
represent the man stood on the steps of Angel Meadow in the 
painting 'The Steps, Irk Street' by L S Lowry.

About to go back in the kiln for firing, covered in glaze. 
I have included the crackle pots I made which may be used to hold the 
grass at either end of the Angel Meadow shelf. And an apple I made in L4!


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