Open Studios Winter 2021

 The prep for the open studios started with uncertainty. The new Covid variant 'Omicron' was about to jeopardise Christmas. It sounds like a movie! I made the decision to go ahead with my open studio because I felt I had already missed enough university and studio time due to Covid.

I'm really glad I did. I saw my ideas and collected items, artworks and work in progress come to life. Mostly they had been stacked up at home, under my desk and never displayed together. 

I started by painting the walls white, rearranging the tables and and cleaning the surfaces the day before the open studios started. The areas much neglected in the day to day running of the studio. On the actual day I had to get a cab into uni because I had so much of my work at home! The studios were quiet, about 6 of us students started displaying our work, while keeping the studio area looking like 'work in progress'. We ensured fellow students, who were away (at least 4 with Covid) had an interesting, tidy space and spread our work to ensure full wall coverage.

Seeing the work display gave me a feeling of confidence. I had produced enough work for the first term (I always feel like I should do more!) and seeing peer's work, chatting about the art and being part of the student cohort again was a great.

The doors opened at 5pm and L4 and L5 students wandered through, friends and family in tow. It was a good evening, quieter than in the past but understandably, with people's health fears and Christmas so close.

The images below show my work space and the art in progress.

Angel Meadow - Tangible Timeline, work in progress

Free Diner tickets, letterpress - proof stages and final print, inspo images 
from Cathie Pilkington and Extinction Rebellion.

Working title 'Gran's Flat'

Plein Air paintings done while on a Royal Drawing School course
(not part of my project but work I have done during the term)

Whole work space

Desk space with map of Manchester

Desk space with found fabric and letterpress print on wall.


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