L S Lowry - Research for Angel Meadow time line

 I am working out what I can use to represent the L S Lowry section of the time line. He painted 'The Steps, Irk Place' (1928) showing the steps which lead to the playground/burial site of Angel Meadow. My initial idea was to paint a crop section of the painting on a small canvas. I was inspired to use model paints as used by George Shaw (b.1966) which are oil based and create a sheen. 

I am continuing this painting but I am now thinking I would prefer to create a figure from clay. I have been looking at the figure in the painting stood on the steps. He is the only character in the painting look at the viewer. Maybe it is Lowry himself (he worked as a debt collector in this area of Salford). I have been captivated by him as the main person in the painting and the fact he is on the steps.

I feel the 'matchstick man' look could be created by looking at Giacometti's work for the tall slender legs and the bulky coat, hands held at the front, hollow eyes, gaze forward.

The Steps, Irk Place (1928) detail, L S Lowry

The Steps, Irk Place (1928) detail, L S Lowry

The Steps, Irk Place (1928) L S Lowry

I will make a few figures incase one doesn't survive the firing. For finishes I have been looking into over glossing like Rachel Kneebone (b.1971). I'm not sure whether a matt finish would be more appropriate for  a Lowry painting. The subdued colours and grey, smoggy days seem more matt than gloss.

Whirl (2017) Rachel Kneebone

Walking Man I (1960) Alberto Giacometti


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