Printing - Reflections

 I wanted to show my wax crayon screen prints in the Spring Show but I did not have the actual artwork. It was in the print rooms and I could not get access. All I had was the snap shots I took in the workshop. I decided to create a short film which would show how the prints faded during the process. 

First print using wax crayon screen printing process (2021)

'Fading Away' (2021) film illustrating the process of screen printing with wax crayons.

To be honest the quality is not great, the image changes size due to the distance I took the snap shots using my phone (before I realised I would use them for a film!). There is no audio with the film but I could not find an audios which would fit with this film. It does however show the process quite clearly. It was shown in the Spring Show virtual gallery. I was not too happy with showing this work but as it was the only print work I felt had worked, so I decided to include it.

I think I learned from this process, always take the best photograph you can of the artwork. You never know when you might need it. Also, take your work home rather than leave it locked in studio where possible. 

My print time in the workshop feels less productive this year. I think because  I have not had time to plan what I want to create in the studio I often turn up and have to decide on the spot what I will be working on. I have decided going forward the prep time before I arrive in the workshop will save so much time and allow for more printing rather than planning on the actual day. Session are few and far between so it is important to use the workshop for the printing process. I have also arrange to do the print tutorial I missed in L4 to help me learn the skills I need going forward.

I enjoyed trying drypoint although I don't think it is a process I will continue. I found the results are not the kind I am looking for, they seem light and shaky. Maybe with experience and practice they could become stronger. I much prefer the bold outcomes you get with linocutting. I am going to try etching next and I will go back to try screen printing too which I tried briefly in L4.


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